Dr Amy Erickson
Amy J. Erickson previously taught undergraduate students at Texas Lutheran University while serving as an online course facilitator for Fuller Theological Seminary. She is a graduate of the University of Aberdeen, where her PhD explored the ecclesiology and hermeneutics of the contemporary scholar Ephraim Radner through a theological reading of Hosea. Her research interests include figural reading, ecclesiology, church discipline, and the biblical understanding of wilderness as it relates to contemporary ethical concerns.
Dr Jacqueline Service
Jacqueline Service was previously Lecturer in Theology and Program Director of Master of Arts at Alphacrucis College, Sydney, Australia. Her research focus is on trinitarian and analytical theology, and the theology of social justice. Jacqueline is St Mark’s alumna; she completed her doctoral research on the award of a full scholarship through the Centre for Public and Contextual Theology (PaCT), Charles Sturt University (CSU), Canberra. For her thesis, she received one of the highest academic honours: the Higher Degree by Research University Medal. She is currently a Board Member of Micah Australia and a Trustee for the International Anglican Order of the Cross and has been actively involved in church ministries over many years. She also has a B.A. Intercultural Studies (Missiology); Bachelor of Laws (with Honors); and Graduate Diploma in Legal Practice.