You are invited to our mid-year commencement lecture on Monday 12 July from 6:00pm. Dr Service will speak on the relationship between trinity, worship, and social justice.
Missed our Commencement Lecture? Access Dr Service’s lecture online.
Join us as we commence the second session of the academic year with a short and special evening prayer followed by our Commencement Lecture.
- 5:30pm: Light refreshments
- 6:00pm: Evening Prayer and Commencement Lecture
- Durie Room, St Mark’s National Theological Centre
This event will be live-streamed.
Watching this from home?
We’ll commence the evening formalities from 6:00pm with a simple evening prayer, followed by the lecture and Q&A after.

About the lecture
Just Worship: Trinity, Social Justice, and... Kim Kardashian?
The theological priority of either evangelism or social justice has, for many decades, agitated contemporary evangelical Christianity. Various movements have attempted to reconcile what is now largely recognised as a false dichotomy; where both evangelism and social justice are, at least theologically, recognized as twin components of the gospel message. In its wake, however, another dichotomy arguably wields a similar conceptual disjunction for Christian faith. That is, either social justice is considered subordinate to the greater priority of ‘worship’, or the particularity of worship of the Triune God is considered superfluous to the praxis of social justice.
Considering these issues, this lecture traverses through metaphysics and trinitarian theology, challenges truncated visions of justice and worship, and has a brief interlude with Kim Kardashian! The lecture proposes that the Triune God is the context, content, and call to ‘Just Worship’.

About the speaker
Dr Jacqueline Service
Jacqueline Service is a Lecturer in Theology with a research focus in Trinitarian and Analytical Theology as well as a Theology of Social Justice. She completed her doctoral research on the award of a full scholarship through the Centre for Public and Contextual Theology (PaCT), Charles Sturt University (CSU), Canberra. For her thesis, she received one of the highest academic honours: the Higher Degree by Research University Medal.
Jacqueline has a B.A. Intercultural Studies (Missiology); Bachelor of Laws (with Honors); Graduate Diploma in Legal Practice; a Master of Theology (with Distinction), and a PhD specialising in the intersection of trinitarian theology and international aid and development. She is passionate about bringing the transformative reality of the gospel into practical expression for the realisation of the divine good for creation.