Join Rev’d Dr Andrew Cameron, Director of St Mark’s, as he speaks on mental health on 12 August 2018 at St Peter’s in Weston.
Dr Andrew Cameron has been a priest in the Anglican Church of Australia since 1993, and has had pastoral experience in a variety of Anglican and other denominational settings. He has also taught in ethics, social ethics, political and public theology, theological anthropology, theology and philosophy at a range of levels and institutions. His doctoral research interest was in a theological account of the relationship of ethics to emotion, and since then he has several other topics at the intersection of theology, ethics and public life.
Andrew teaches and is passionate about pastoral counselling and care for those in Later Life. Andrew’s theological reflections on mental health is a timely one as Australia continues to cultivate a sensitivity for, and cater to, the needs of those dealing with mental health issues.
This talk is part of a monthly series at St Peter’s called “A night with a Theologian”. If you would someone from St Mark’s to speak on a subject matter in your church, please contact us.