This course is designed to give a short, straightforward overview of the central elements of the Christian faith, their basis in the Bible, and what they mean for life today. Centred on the Christian understanding of God, the course covers the core aspects of Christian doctrine and practice in a creative and interesting way. It is designed to work for a range of people, from those who have never been to church through to long-term members who want to refresh their understanding.
This course can be undertaken online, or through face to face teaching.
- the identity of God as Creator, Judge, Saviour, Life-Giver, and Trinity
- Creation
- sin and evil
- salvation by grace
- the Christian life
- the church.
- Online (including assessment) — refer to our Short Course option
- Face to face with assessment — refer to our Short Course option
- Face to face without assessment
The cost to attend this series without assessment is $150.
This is a short course. Our 2018 dates and times are as follows:
- Tuesday evenings: 7:00pm to 8:30pm
- 4, 11, 18, 25 September, 2 and 9 October
St Mark’s National Theological Centre, 15 Blackall Street BARTON ACT 2600