Join Dr David Neville, CSU Head of School of Theology, as he speaks on The Vehement Jesus on 8 July 2018 at St Peter’s in Weston.
CSU’s Head of School of Theology, Dr David Neville recently published his fourth single-title book. Titled The Vehement Jesus: Grappling with Troubling Gospel Texts, the book examines several perplexing passages in the Gospels that, at face value, challenge the conviction that the mission and message of Jesus were peaceful.
Using narrative analysis and various forms of intratextual critique in the service of a hermeneutic of shalom, David makes the case that Gospel portrayals of the vehement Jesus are compatible with, perhaps even indispensable to, the composite canonical portrait of Jesus as the Messiah of Peace. As a result, this exploration in New Testament theology and ethics makes an invaluable contribution to the crucial conversation about the role of Jesus’ life and teaching in Christian reflection on the morality of violence today.
Learn more about the book and purchase online.
This talk is part of a monthly series at St Peter’s called “A night with a Theologian”. If you would someone from St Mark’s to speak on a subject matter in your church, please contact us.