Join us at 7:00 pm on February the 27th for our commencement lecture and prizing giving at Saint Mark’s National Theological Centre.
The prize giving is a chance to publicly honour our students for their academic achievements over the past year as we look ahead to a new academic year with the commencement lecture.
The commencement lecture this will be given by Saint Mark’s Director: The Rev’d Assoc. Prof. Andrew Cameron on his new book The Logic of Love: Christian Ethics and Moral Psychology which explores the complex and often confusing intersection between emotions and ethics and how Christian theology can offer guidance on this important subject.
The book is available to pre order at: https://www.bloomsbury.com/au/logic-of-love-9780567707130/
The event will be held in the Durie room and over Zoom (https://charlessturt.zoom.us/j/5426137945)
If you are coming in person please RSVP for catering here.