A message from the Director of St Mark’s National Theological Centre, Rev’d Dr Andrew Cameron
As a friend of St Mark’s, you might be wondering how we’ve been doing in the pandemic in the last two years. With the stop-start of lockdowns across the country and around the world, news about cuts to university funding, and the overall uncertainty for everyday life as we used to know it, St Mark’s — like everyone else — has had to adjust.
We’re glad to report that we’ve adjusted well. As a very experienced distance learning provider, we’ve been more agile than many and have landed on our feet. Even as the education sector continues to be impacted by the pandemic, St Mark’s remains financially stable; we’ve seen a decline in student numbers in some areas, while seeing growth in others.
This turbulent time has been a great opportunity for us to take stock and consider how educational needs are changing in our field. Looking ahead, we’re excited about growing our Registered Training Organisation and providing more training support to the Anglican Diocese of Canberra-Goulburn — all while maintaining the quality of education and care we offer our students at St Mark’s and at Charles Sturt University’s School of Theology.
To that end, St Mark’s is making key adjustments in preparation for this growth. This includes moving on from our working relationship with our affiliate colleges: St Francis Theological College in Brisbane, and St Barnabas College in Adelaide. This change will be implemented over two years, during which time we will work closely with students and both colleges to ensure a smooth transition for everyone. We have enjoyed and value our X years of working with both colleges, and we’re grateful for their part in growing the School of Theology at Charles Sturt University. We wish them all the best in their future endeavours.
Meanwhile, our relationship with Charles Sturt University remains as close as ever. St Mark’s will still deliver quality theological and ministry education in the higher education sector as a partner of the School of Theology. As a friend of St Mark’s, we also want to thank you for the support you’ve given us over the years and look forward to many more in the next leg of our journey.